Monday, 6 June 2011

Welcome Back has Finally arrived and so Have I!

Hey guys I know I have been away for ages but this is about to change! My last exam is on Tuesday and from than on please expect a blog every day/Every other day. As I shall try to be consistent.

Now than most you are probably aware of the "Welcome Back" Package that has arrived to the PSN, I am excited as hell at the moment my PS3 can't even handle the amount of downloads it has to deal with, now for those who aren't that excited about the gaming lets refresh their memory.

Welcome Back package is Sony's way to make gamers forgive them after the whole hacking thing happened, kind of like a father that just run over a family puppy and is trying to buy our love.
The Welcome Back Package includes many things and I suggest you check out one my previous for more details, but here is the Summary:
Two games out choice of Five:
-Dead Nation
-WipeoutHD (with Fury)
-Ratchet and Clank

Personally I have downloaded Dead nation and WipeoutHD as i have already played others and I am not a big fan of Ratchet universe.

Also if you download PS+ you can play Burnout Paradise for 30 days which for a Trophy Hunter (like me) is more than enough to platinum the game and forget about it. Sony, once more I salute you.

Th1s_1s_R4z0r, The Soviet Gamer.